Wedding Invitations

STEP ONE: Fill out information form to the right

STEP TWO: Once form is received a deposit invoice for $150.00 will be emailed to you, you can pay this with any major credit card. This deposit will be applied to your whole order after approval. Once deposit is paid blingvitations will produce a hard copy sample based on your information provided. This sample will be mailed to you for your approval. If you have any comments you can email them so we can make the nesessary adjustment.

STEP THREE: Upon approval of the design and text you will be emailed an invoice for the balance or your order. Upon payment please alllow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery.

  • Shimmer Floral Signature Pocket

    $5.00 per invitation, $1.50 response card w/printed envelope, $.50 each additional card

    Invitation Size: 5" x 7"
    This classic invitation is printed on smooth ivory cover stock. The has an beautiful floral tab. The cards are also printed on the same matching smooth ivory cover stock. This invitation can be produced in many different color combinations. If you love this design you can order it as is or ask for another color combination. We are a full service graphic design company that can create any option, just ask.

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